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Positive Learning Affirmations


Having children learn and say positive affirmations is one way to boost their social-emotional competencies. The affirmations in this packet help to lay the groundwork for a growth mindset; a highly renowned concept in the psychology of education. Based on decades of research from Dr. Carol Dweck, the growth mindset's power is that it allows learners to take on challenges more readily as they believe their skill sets are not fixed, but rather adaptable to growth. These affirmations were designed to be simple enough for younger children in the early childhood realm, to understand, be able to say, and retain.


This digital download zip file includes:

-(14) Individual Positive Learning Affirmations Posters (A4 Size) & (Poster size)

-(3) All Positive Learning Affirmations Poster on different colors (A4 Size)& (Poster size)

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