Offering personalized, innovative, and engaging supplemental academic content for students PreK- 2nd in the form of 1-on-1 remote sessions

With Hey, Miss A! you can be confident that your PreK-2nd Grade learner is going to flourish! Whether you feel that your child needs a supplemental challenge or more dynamic support, I aim to cater to your learner's specifics. My sessions are taught using a blend of physical and online materials. Below you'll find a menu with the range of content areas I teach. Also, be sure to check out parent testimonials on how they feel sessions worked for their learner.
Topics in Language & Literacy:
Phonics instruction (alphabetic principle, consonants, vowels, blends, digraphs, diphthongs, r-controlled vowels)
Phonemic awareness (blending, deletion, substitution)
Decoding (CVC words progressing through appropriate scope and sequence)
Sight Words (Dolch/Fry list)
Word Family recognition
Prefixes & Suffixes
Pre-Reading Skills (alphanumeric recognition, spacing, orientation, letter/word/sentence differentiation)
Early Reading Skills (picture cues, pointing power)
Reading comprehension (based on Kay Stahl principles)
Text features (i.e, bold, italic, subtitle, caption)
Exposure to different forms of text (i.e., Nonfiction, Fiction, Poetry)
Retelling Strategies
Listening comprehension
Questions (5 W's)
Language provocations
Topics in Math:
Number Identification
One-to-One Correspondence
Counting (organized, disorganized, array, circular)
2D & 3D shape identification
Composing shapes
Subitizing (rapid recognition of quantities)
Patterning (identification, extension, and creation)
Spatial orientation and visualization
Number comparisons (Less than, Greater than, Equal to)
Number Sense
Skip Counts (1's, 5's, 10's, 2's)
Base Ten & Place Value concepts
Fractions & concepts of equal shares
Data Analysis (graph types, data collection, data interpretation and representation)
Coordinate Plane
Area & Perimeter
Order of Operations
Topics in Social Emotional Learning:
Coping Strategies
Peer-to-peer relations
Conversational skills
Positive self-talk
Topics in Writing:
Building familiarity with lined paper
Grammatical constructs
Topic Sentence
Research-based writing
Opinion Writing
Imaginative Writing
Writing with supporting reasons
Topics in G&T:
Development of working memory
Listening skills
Abstract thinking
Information processing
Problem solving approaches
Topics in Fine Motor:
Handwriting Without Tears
Number & Letter Formation
Writing Utensil Grip
Finger Play
Finger Name Identification
Hand-Eye Motor Coordination
Topics in Science:
If/Then Statements
Early Science Education
Scientific Method
Science Tools
Sample Topics for Early Ed. Science: Weather, Ramps, Forces
The story of this teacher's journey to e-learning begins in the now infamous year of 2020 when the world turned just a little topsy-turvy. I was busy with students in my Pre-K class when all of a sudden we were told to go home and that school would be closing indefinitely for the foreseeable future. My experience is not unique; it is familiar to twenty-first-century parents, students, and teachers alike.
During this time, I reflected on what it means to be a teacher. To me, it meant being a vested partner in my students' well-being, livelihood, and education no matter the circumstances. Out of this was born, Hey, Miss A!, a place where I could always be with my students; teaching and learning with and from them every day.
I've thoroughly enjoyed the process of conceptualizing something entirely my own set apart from conventional schooling. Teaching in this modality allows me to continue to build and foster relationships with families and students, near and far, in a virtual capacity.
Through personalized lessons and interactive activities, I aim to help children develop essential skills and build a strong foundation for future success. I am dedicated to helping each child reach their full potential and fostering a love of learning that will last a lifetime.
Miss A. is bubbly, energetic, caring, and knows what motivates kids. My first grader loved their time together and would ask when they were meeting again. At the beginning of the year, my daughter was a grade level behind in reading, and facing only remote school with her big class. Miss A. bridged the gap and also provided one-on-one mentorship my daughter was missing. My daughter completely caught up with reading, stayed on track with math, and is finishing the year in a great place. We're looking forward to sessions this summer to keep up the progress. Big thanks to Miss A.
Miss A. is amazing! She has become a safe spot for D. and is the only time he doesn't complain to go to "zoom class." He looks forward every week to be with her. D. has learned so much and we owe that to Miss A. She is caring and teaches while having fun. She knows how to "read" what the child needs. We love Miss A!
Miss A. has a way with young children, naturally instilling a love of learning in them. She started working with our son virtually in Oct '20 just before he turned 4 and he is so engaged in her lessons. Beginning each session with kind/ motivational words and feelings helps build his confidence and ease when conversing with adults. She plans 4-5 activities each time that help with early literacy and math - from sight words to blends to CVC words to patterns to base 10s to relative numbers. Her patience and positive energy make her the perfect match for our son. We have seen so much progress this year and can't wait for our younger son to begin with her.